
Gba the legacy of goku review
Gba the legacy of goku review

gba the legacy of goku review

You initially assume the role of Trunks, who has traveled 16 years into the past to prepare the Z fighters for the arrival of two androids that will ultimately destroy Earth unless the group significantly improves their skills. This time around, the story centers on a series of events from the television series, beginning with the Trunks Saga and running through the completion of the Cell Games-condensing 76 episodes into roughly 20 hours of gameplay. Here, Cell confronts androids 16, 17, and 18 while Piccolo looks on. The Legacy of Goku II is full of familiar characters. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II may pick up where the first game left off, but it's a far superior product in every conceivable way. Thankfully, the sequel is a different matter altogether. In a perfect world, the game would have sat on store shelves collecting dust rather than chalking up record-setting sales.

gba the legacy of goku review

Compared with other role-playing games on the Game Boy Advance, The Legacy of Goku was painfully straightforward, brief, and disappointing. The fact that Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku sold more than 700,000 copies is a testament to the devotion felt by the fans of the popular animated series.

Gba the legacy of goku review