
Teamviewer 13 how to transfer files
Teamviewer 13 how to transfer files

teamviewer 13 how to transfer files teamviewer 13 how to transfer files teamviewer 13 how to transfer files teamviewer 13 how to transfer files

Now you simply need to open the application looking for its shortcut from your application menu to start using it on your system. Once the installation is done, it may ask us to configure some dependencies for the correct execution of TeamViewer on our computer, for this we only execute on the terminal: sudo apt-get install -f To do this, we only have to open a console, position ourselves on the folder where we save the downloaded package and execute the following command: sudo dpkg -i teamviewer*.deb They can open a new Terminal window with Ctrl + Alt + T and in it we can execute the following command to download this version of Teamviewer: wget ĭone the download we can install the package with our preferred package manager or also from the terminal. We must head to its official website of the project and in the download section we can get deb package for 32 and 64 bit systems.Īlthough the main branch of Ubuntu dropped 32-bit support, some of its derivatives still released 32-bit versions in this new installment of Ubuntu 18.10. To install the latest version of TeamViewer stable on Ubuntu 18.10 as well as 18.04 Bionic Beaver and its derivatives. Installing TeamViewer 13.2 on Ubuntu 18.10 and derivatives Resolved some other issues that caused crashes. The new AD Connector GUI for configuring and syncing multiple AD groups, running test runs, and configuring scheduled syncs. With which many users are extremely satisfied with the new design, which condenses and simplifies multiple windows and tools into one easy-to-use client window and of considerable size, which also remains open when establishing a remote connection.Īs well we can find an Active Directory connector- With which you can ensure that the right people always have access to a company TeamViewer account. In this version of TeamViewer 13.2 we can find a single window user interface. 2 Installing TeamViewer 13.2 on Ubuntu 18.10 and derivatives.

Teamviewer 13 how to transfer files